Past & Current Projects by Gabe Cruz

Welcome to my projects page! Here, you'll find a showcase of some of the most exciting and impactful projects I've worked on and currently working on. Each project represents a unique challenge and a step forward in my professional journey.

Overview: Designed and implemented a real-time data processing system using Apache Kafka to handle high-throughput data streams. This project involved setting up Kafka clusters, developing producer and consumer applications, and ensuring seamless data flow.

Key Technologies: Apache Kafka, Java, Spring Boot, Docker

Impact: Improved data processing efficiency and enabled real-time analytics, leading to faster decision-making and enhanced business intelligence.

Overview: Developed a scalable web application using ReactJS for the frontend and Node.js for the backend. The application features a dynamic user interface and robust backend services, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Key Technologies: React Native, SQLite, Java, Spring Boot, Postgresql

Impact: Delivered a high-performance, user-friendly application for increasing user traffic and complex data interactions.

Overview: Created a machine learning pipeline to process and analyze large datasets using Apache Spark and Python. This project included data preprocessing, model training, and deployment of predictive models.

Key Technologies: Python, Apache PySpark, MLlib, Jupyter Notebooks, Apache Airflow

Impact: Enhanced data-driven decision-making capabilities by providing accurate predictions and insights from large datasets.

4. CI/CD Pipeline Automation with Ansible and Terraform & GitLab CI/CD (This project is a perpetual process, integral to the commencement of all other projects. - no check mark at the beginning of the line item.)

Overview: Implemented infrastructure automation using Ansible and Terraform to streamline the deployment and management of containerized applications. This project focused on achieving consistency, scalability, reliability, and quality repeatability.